Us at Root3 talk to people on a daily basis who use MacBooks at or for work. Some of them have been doing this for years and others are relatively new to Apple as a work device. Often we can offer them assistance with clever or helpful tips when it comes to using their devices more efficiently.

This blog is intended to pay mind to these tips. Last blog was filled with helpful tools already on your MacBook. This blog will provide you with some helpful tools you can download for free. So specifically this blog is a summary of tools which may boost your productivity even more.

Manage your screens with Rectangle

One way to work as efficiently as possible is to manage the space on your screen wisely. Apple and specifically macOS already had certain ways to amplify and minimize your windows. But Rectangle simplifies this process. You can simply swipe a window to the corner or edge and it will automatically take up half of your screen. This allows you to quickly show two windows side by side. If you want you can even lift this to an even higher leven with using shortcuts or even creating your own shortcuts.

Saving your clipboard with Maccy

Some applications can and will improve your life so drastically we could say there’s an era before and after. We might even go there and say that you can’t even imagine a time you used to live without them. Using a clipboard manager is an example of such an application. Maccy is probably one you might know of. You can cut, copy and paste everything straight out of your clipboard, because Maccy saves everything for you. This makes it easy to copy and paste multiple items without having to switch windows or applications to do so. Maccy also provides the option to search for items, as you can see in the image down below:

Keep track of your agenda with the Meeting Bar

Since the release of macOS Monterey the agenda application has the standard option for online meetings. But what if you would like to see when your next meeting is? And also see what it’s about and which service is needed? This is what Meeting Bar is for. It will show you how much time you have left till your next meeting on the top right corner of your screen. When it’s meeting time you can get a notification. When you click on it, it will automatically open the necessary application and enter the meeting. For example: It is a Zoom meeting, it will open Zoom and enter the meeting. If Meeting Bar isn’t your cup-of-tea, there’s an alternative: Meeter. This is available for macOS, iOS and iPadOS.

A quick overview of your shortcuts with CheatSheet

Shortcuts are probably the most time saving tip we could give you. But there are so many shortcuts and every application has its own shortcuts. We understand that sometimes it may be hard to remember all these shortcuts. In order to make it easier to remember or at least have an overview of your shortcuts there is CheatSheet. You can customize it and add every shortcut you just can’t seem to remember. And whenever you open your CheatSheet it will show you all shortcuts of the application you are currently using. On iPadOS it is a built-in function with the same functionality.

Make your own shortcuts with CustomShortcuts

If by any chance you find something for which there isn’t a shortcut yet, you can make it yourself in CustomShortcuts. In the menu of every application you can find which shortcuts already exist. You discover something in the menu for which you would like to see a shortcut? Connect that item to a shortcut with CustomShortcuts. In other words you are making a shortcut. We mentioned CheatSheet in the last paragraph. CustomShortcuts integrates beautifully with CheatSheet. When you have made your own shortcut for an application it will automatically show in your CheatSheet.